Longing for sunshine

We’re probably all dreaming of a white Christmas here in Belgium, but we’re only getting rain, rain and more rain!  This foul weather really makes me long for bright and sunny days, so I thought it’d be fun to show you one of my springtime/summer projects.



This is my entry for the following challenges:

Stamps used

  • Dragon: Third Coast
  • Fairy, tree and sparkles: Lavinia
  • Sentiment: Scrolls Work

Giant blog candy

Infinistamps and Infinimentscrap are going to merge and create a new shop. In order to celebrate this joyful event they are giving away a giant blog candy! This is what they say about it on their blog.

Bonjour à vous toutes et tous

Le mois de septembre arrive à grand pas avec son lot de méga surprise pour fêter la fusion de nos deux boutiques Infinistamps avec Infinimentscrap. Des challenges, une boutique toute neuve avec plus de 2500 tampons dont env 500 nouveautés prévues entre le 15 septembre et le 1er octobre. et aujourd’hui c’est un 


que nous vous proposons. Vous voulez tenter votre chance ??? alors lisez bien ce qui va suivre !!!

Pour participer :

– Avoir un blog

– Postez cet article sur votre blog dans son intégralité photo comprise et sans oublier le lien de la boutique.

– Postez également un commentaire à la suite de cet article sans oublier de laisser votre prénom ou pseudo ainsi que le lien de l’article du blog candy Infinimentscrap sur votre blog (Obligatoire pour valider votre participation)

Vous avez jusqu’au 30 SEPTEMBRE MINUIT pour participer.

Un tirage au sort désignera les gagnants (es) et le résultat sera donné ici même le 1er octobre !!!!

Mais…que pouvez-vous gagner ?

des tampons Infinimentscrap, bien sûr mais…

Ce ne sera pas un lot mais 17 lots qui seront en jeu donc cela veut dire que 17 personnes vont gagner alors…pourquoi pas VOUS ?

Le détail des lots

le 1er prix 1 lot valeur 150 euros

le 2ème prix 1 lot valeur 100 euros

Du 3ème au 7 ème prix 5 lots de 50 euros chacun

Du 8ème au 17 ème prix 10 lots de 25 euros chacun

Voici un petit aperçu :

Nous avons choisi plusieurs lots pour donner plus de chance à chacun (e) de gagner, alors profitez, participez !!!!

Pour info notre nouvelle boutique ouvrira dès le 15 septembre alors encore 2 petites semaines à attendre !!! En attendant on vous attend toujours à cette adresse ICI

Nous vous remercions de votre fidélité !!!!!

Nous vous souhaitons Bonne chance !!!!!!

Isa et Jean-Marc

My beloved monster

This empathy monster’s just perfect for this week’s Macabre Monday challenge. I actually made this last year, but I haven’t shared it with you yet.

If you’d like to know more about the concept “empathy monster”, visit Art, heart and Healing. By becoming a member of this group, you get free  access to several interesting video tutorials on journaling,  drawing whimsicals and sewing your own monster.

To make this monster even more special, I used bits and pieces that are somehow meaningful to me.  The skulls’ fabric was recycled from the lining of one of my boyfriend’s old trousers. I also confiscated the button. For the stitches, I used embroidery thread that my grandmother gave me.

Blog award

Linda, the leading lady of the Belgian Yahoo-group “Creatief met stempels“, offered me this blog award for beginning blogs:

I’d like to pass it on to the following 3 lovely blogging ladies:

  • Crea Myriame, a very creative Belgian lady who also belongs to our Yahoo-group. Her blog has been online for quite a while, actually, and she already has a lot of followers, but I’d like to offer her this award anyway.
  • Stubb un Stubbekammer, a German lady who recently started a blog to share her non-cute stamped art with us
  • Al’s bits and pieces, a Scottish lady who’s brand new blog features beautiful photographs and ATCs.

Ladies, glad to have you in our blogging community! Hope a lot of people will find their way to your blogs and you’ll be thoroughly enjoying blogging. You can pass on this award to 3 or 5 beginning blogs if you want. No obligation of course, if you don’t feel like doing so, just accept and cherish it.  🙂

Bird canvas

This is actually a creation that I made a couple of months a go during the “Ranger Days” @ Art Journey in the Netherlands, but I haven’t shared it with you yet.

All die cuts were dabbed with paint dabbers. The cage was overpainted with transparent crackle paint.

Unfortunately, I was suffering a severe fit of migraine during Tanya Watts’ canvas workshop, so I couldn’t focus 100 % and the background of my canvas has not quite turned out how I’d hoped for, but it sure was nice to explore this medium which was totally new to me.  (Obviously my fits of migraine are nothing compared to the illness Tanya ‘s currently trying to overcome, for I just read on her blog that she’s undergoing chemo … I wish her a lot of courage and hope for a quick recovery!)

As this canvas obviously is not a card, I’d like to enter it to the Stampinsanity challenge “Anything but a card“. Moreover, as it features a bird, it perfectly fits the brand new Creavil challenge “birds“.  And last but by no means least, I’d like to enter this project to the “Drunken Stamper” challenge, for they’d like to see die cuts this week.

Looking for international ATC-swappers

Hello everyone!

The hostess of a Belgian Yahoo group of stampers I belong to, is looking for international people who want to participate in our ATC-swaps from time to time. I’ve joined this group “Creatief met stempels” in February 2009 and I’ve particpated in almost every swap they’ve organised since then. We’d really love to have some international participants from time to time, so if you’re interested, please contact Linda!

This is the message on her blog:

Dear ATC-maker, I am the compare of a Belgian-Ladies-stamping group and have a question for you. We regularly organize an ATC-swap and we are looking for foreign ladies with whom we can swap? In case you’re interested, please let me know and do not hesitate to inform other people who also may like to join us. Thanks a lot.

Bonjour, Je suis l’animatrice d’un groupe de femmes tamponnant belge et j’ai une question pour vous : nous organisons régulièrement un ATC-swap et nous sommes à la recherche d’autres femmes étrangères avec qui nous pouvons échanger. Si vous êtes intéressés, prière de me le faire savoir. Si vous connaissez d’autres personnes qui pourraient être intéressées, n’hésitez pas de les informer. Merci beaucoup.

Hallo, Ich bin der Moderator einer weiblicher Stempel-Gesellschaft in Belgien und ich habe eine Frage für Sie: wir organisieren mehrmals einen ATC-Swap und suchen andere ausländische Frauen mit wen wir auswechseln können. Wenn Sie Interesse haben, bitte sag mir bescheid und wenn Sie andere vielleicht intressierte Leute kennen, zweifeln Sie nicht um auch diese Leute zu informieren. Vielen Dank.

Of course, male swappers are welcome too, but until now we’ve only had ladies participating! 😉

Hope you’ll be joining our swaps soon!

And the winner is…

Well, it was great fun to organise my own mini Halloween Bloghop! Thanks for all your lovely comments.

These are the ladies who played along:

And the winner is….

So congratulations to Donna Mundinger!

She chose this ATC.

To the other ladies: thanks  for playing! Some of the ATCs or comparable ones will become available for trade on my Flickr-account soon, so if you ever want to swap with me, feel free to contact me!